Well with summer, comes new tournaments and fun times. I am looking forward to doing some rogue trader tourneys with my IG. The last few havent been bad for me, scoring in the top 3 for all of them. I doubt I will be buying anything new for my Guard though due to the proce increases, I just cant listen to my wallets screams of pain anymore.
I have started up a Hordes army though, Circle of Orboros, which I am looking forward to playing in the League at our LGS in Richmond, FTW Gaming or A-Games, but prolly FTW. It took me a while to come to playing Hordes as the warjacks from warmachine are models I simply loathe. No elegence, they are heavy and clunky and make no sense. Even the Retribution of Scyrah ones are not that good looking, so finally friends pointed me to Hordes where I found the Circle. Basically a bunch of angry druids/nature lovers who advocate the killing of trespasser over smokeing and complaining to the Man. They simply go to the man and sick wolves on him.
My Infinity is coming along for the most part but its difficult finding games. I bought my girlfriend another sin eater which I know is going to come back to bite me in the ass, shes very good at finding optimal positions for them, and basically ridiling my everything with holes.
I do hope to post a few more story articles this summer, and continue the fanfic line of adventures of the 17th. So stay tuned for more!
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